4348 Van Nuys Boulevard, Suite 202
Sherman Oaks, CA 91403
Here is a handy checklist of items that will need to be in your escrow file before the closing of your real estate
transaction. Please contact Madison Capital Escrow, Inc. for any questions: 818.971.3077.
☐ Purchase contract and receipt for deposit and counters.
☐ Affidavit of Foreign/non-Foreign status (if applicable)
☐ Environmental hazard booklet
☐ Lead-based paint (SFR pre-1978)
☐ Transfer disclosure statement
☐ Smoke detector statement
☐ Geological and flood disclosure
☐ Earthquake preparedness form (SFR pre-1960)
☐ Escrow instructions and all amendments
☐ Walk-thru inspection sign-off (optional)
☐ General home inspection
☐ The inspection process
☐ Closing Statement
☐ Mortgage lender/pre-qualifying buyer
4348 VAN NUYS BOULEVARD, SUITE 202 | SHERMAN OAKS, CALIFORNIA 91403 | O. 818.971.3077 | F. 818.933.0765
Licensed by the California Department of Bureau Oversight (DBO) license number: 9632488.